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Shopping for cars is an art, to be good at it you need to prepare yourself and put in a little practice. Pricing information is the number one tool for success when you decide to buy a new vehicle. It’s essential to have all the numbers on the car or truck you’re interested in. Our price quotes arm you with the lowest prices local car dealers are offering as of today!
Before going into the dealership, we suggest practicing what you might say to the salesman. Try to mentally prepare yourself for the interaction and think ahead to things that may come up during the negotiations. Here are some of our top suggestions of four things NOT to say:
1) “This is how much I can spend.”
If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas you know you don’t walk up to the first table you see and drop every dollar you brought with you on your first bet. Don’t show the salesman your cards. Decide your price range prior to going, research and decide on the vehicle you want that falls within it, and then get a price quote for it. Make your decision before you go to the dealer, otherwise the salesman might try to make your decision for you.
2) “I need to purchase today.”
For car buyers, the best thing to convey to the salesman is that you aren’t under any pressure. If you show that you need a car immediately they know they have the power in the negotiation process. Always maintain a position that says you want a car, but you don’t need it. Showing that you are willing to walk away from the negotiation table puts the salesman on the hot seat to give you the best deal possible so they don’t lose your business.
3) “I’m looking for low monthly payments.”
This is a sign of an uneducated buyer and the salesman will spot it from a mile away. True, you need to budget how much you can afford to spend on your new vehicle, however, it’s easy for dealers to adjust monthly payments to make it seem like you are saving money, even though you will be losing money with an inflated interest rate on your auto loan.
4) “I’m not sure, honey, do you like it?”
If you are in a relationship, your counterpart could be your worst enemy during negotiations. Salesmen can spot indecisive couples and pick them apart. A couple needs to prepare the same as an individual, do the research, get free price quotes, and make a solid and unanimous decision. Don’t give the dealer the opportunity to turn you against each other.