Car Price Vs Fuel Economy
May 9th, 2011As car prices increase and hybrid car options appear, both leave a huge list of pros and cons when you compare new car prices.
Cars such as Nissan Leaf are very popular at the moment, specially after being nominated as “Global Car of the Year” at the New York Auto Show. However, the Leaf is a pricey car, starting at $32.000, which for most consumers would be considered simply too much. This reason only is making consumers choose to buy a cheaper car with good mpg average. On the other hand, if you manage to get an electric car, this after being put on a waiting list, you will truly experience a 100% electric car with the best and latest battery technology. The car can be charged from any standard plug and even though it has a gasoline engine it does not use it to run the car, only to charge. It is not only great in fuel money saving but also for the environment. There are also a few vehicle incentives to be applied to electric cars. What do you think about electric cars?